WASHINGTON (SIWEL) — Les représentants des Kabyles aux Etats-Unis et au Canada ont adressé hier vendredi une lettre à M. Ban Ki-moon, le Sécrétaire général de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, à la veille de sa visite officielle en Algérie du 7 au 9 mars, pour l'informer des violations des droits humains perpétrés par le régime algérien contre le peuple kabyle :
New York, March 4th 2016
Dear Sir,
In advance of your upcoming trip to Algeria, we write to request to use your visit to express our deep concern about the unacceptable violations of human rights of the Kabyle people. We would like to bring to your attention certain number of violations of the Algerian regime against the people of Kabylia.
The Kabyle leaders are subject daily to arbitrary arrests and detentions. Their freedom of movement is restricted and these leaders are forced to live in clandestinity and exile.
The Kabyle Christians are prosecuted and their churches are being closed.
Today, the Kabyle wealth is being ceased and its resources depleted.
As secretary of the United Nations who promotes the aspirations of people to live their dream in their culture, customs and be free as stated in the UN charter in article 73 and 74 in chapter XI, it is the UN duty to assist in the development of self-government. The Kabyle people wish that the UN would take due account of the political aspirations of our people, and to assist us in the progressive development of our free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of Kabyle territories.
As you visit the territories of Algeria who is currently colonizing the country of Kabylia, we are seeking UN assistance to deliver this message to the Algerian authorities and remind them of the principal of self-determination as well as their obligation to be bound to the UN charter and universal declaration of human right to stop the abuse, usurpation and destruction of Kabyle values.
We are coming to you as people of peace with the aspiration to be free from any type of colonialism. To that end, we are fighting peacefully for our freedom and independence to build a free modern nation.
Based on United Nations Resolution 1514 that was adopted unanimously in December 1960, it is the legitimate right for the Kabyle people to state their self-determination to choose their own political status and be free of alien domination.
We are requesting your excellence to deliver this message to Algerian regime and that Algeria shall relinquish it's sovereignty and jurisdiction in respect to Kabylia so that the said sovereignty and jurisdiction shall on such relinquishment vest in the Kabyle Provisional Government (GPK).
Sadi Robin Melbouci
Mansour Bensahnoune Ulhadi
Rabah Arkam
Représentatives of the Kabyle Diapora in the USA and CANADA
SIWEL 051339 MAR 16
Dear Sir,
In advance of your upcoming trip to Algeria, we write to request to use your visit to express our deep concern about the unacceptable violations of human rights of the Kabyle people. We would like to bring to your attention certain number of violations of the Algerian regime against the people of Kabylia.
The Kabyle leaders are subject daily to arbitrary arrests and detentions. Their freedom of movement is restricted and these leaders are forced to live in clandestinity and exile.
The Kabyle Christians are prosecuted and their churches are being closed.
Today, the Kabyle wealth is being ceased and its resources depleted.
As secretary of the United Nations who promotes the aspirations of people to live their dream in their culture, customs and be free as stated in the UN charter in article 73 and 74 in chapter XI, it is the UN duty to assist in the development of self-government. The Kabyle people wish that the UN would take due account of the political aspirations of our people, and to assist us in the progressive development of our free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of Kabyle territories.
As you visit the territories of Algeria who is currently colonizing the country of Kabylia, we are seeking UN assistance to deliver this message to the Algerian authorities and remind them of the principal of self-determination as well as their obligation to be bound to the UN charter and universal declaration of human right to stop the abuse, usurpation and destruction of Kabyle values.
We are coming to you as people of peace with the aspiration to be free from any type of colonialism. To that end, we are fighting peacefully for our freedom and independence to build a free modern nation.
Based on United Nations Resolution 1514 that was adopted unanimously in December 1960, it is the legitimate right for the Kabyle people to state their self-determination to choose their own political status and be free of alien domination.
We are requesting your excellence to deliver this message to Algerian regime and that Algeria shall relinquish it's sovereignty and jurisdiction in respect to Kabylia so that the said sovereignty and jurisdiction shall on such relinquishment vest in the Kabyle Provisional Government (GPK).
Sadi Robin Melbouci
Mansour Bensahnoune Ulhadi
Rabah Arkam
Représentatives of the Kabyle Diapora in the USA and CANADA
SIWEL 051339 MAR 16